Personal support by top-level tutors

Berkeley, IIT top-level tutors guide the learning of each children.
We respect everyone's potencial and maximize it.

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Start 1 week free trialSubscribe Now!!

*Free trial : $20 shipping (return shipment included) and handling fee and $200 deposit apply.
The deposit will be refunded upon return of the tablet or subscription to the program

Data-driven and timely feedback system are the secret of efficient learning.
Real-time big data platform

With the real-time data platform, RISU Analyzer, RISU tutors check your child’s study history and provide your child with timely and pin-point feedback for the best results.

We'll give them the right feedback at right timing.

Video lessons from tutors

RISU detects mistakes that your child makes and sends the appropriate tutoring videos promptly so that your child is able to correct the mistake and get the solid understanding immediately.

Check the video lesson sample : Find the measure of angle

Speed average: 170% faster.

With our critical thinking curriculum and professional tutor’s support,
majority of children progress very fast.

75% of RISU students progress faster than the school curriculum
(1.7 times faster on average).

Start 1 week free trialSubscribe Now!!

*Free trial : $20 shipping (return shipment included) and handling fee and $200 deposit apply.
The deposit will be refunded upon return of the tablet or subscription to the program